Friday, February 17, 2012

Ikea & Grange Beach

The other day, Ali & I went on the massive adventure to Ikea for some cheap home furnishings (massive only because we had yet to tackle the bus system here in Adelaide). We got lost and walked around for about 6 blocks before finding the bus stop we needed.

In Adelaide, there is one major street that most of the buses go down in the CBD (Central Business District, their downtown). Instead of having all the buses get congested by stopping at the same stop, they have a huge lineup of stops that each only serve a few buses. This means that while you see a bus stop or two on every block, there's only about two in the CBD that will serve the bus that you actually want to get on. Clearly we were unaware of this, but luck was on our side and we found our stop by happenstance. We ventured on to Ikea, grabbed our flat packed furniture, and were on our way.

Velvet dog wallpaper at Ikea. A little too weird to pass up a photo shoot.

Yesterday was the international students' outing to Grange beach, one of the many beaches around Adelaide. We rode the train to the last stop, listened to the beach safety lecture, and divided up to groups for some life guard games. We paddled on lifeboards, learned the basics of cricket, played a game of flags (lie in the sand facing away from the flag, when the whistle blows jump up, run, and try to grab the flag first), did some sand sprints, and raced to see who could save the drowning victim fastest. After feeding us some lunch (all of their meals seem to be really heavy on the meat, at least today they fed us assortments of beef and chicken versus the kangaroo and wombat they had fed us on the first day), we were given free range over the beach to tan or swim or whatever else we wanted to do.

Lifeboards: this one is what the Surf Life Savers use in competition, and a variation is used to save people.

Game of Flags.

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